Laura Acosta


Tags: Media, Experimental, Performance, Visual, Interdisciplinary

Transdisciplinary artist

Current projects

"The novels of Elswhere" is a project done in collaboration with digital artist Santiago Tavera. A series of 5 Interdisciplinary installations that mix textiles, performance and multimedia elements to create immmersive and interactive story telling. Each installation is called an episode within the series and currently we are developing the final piece titled "Episode 2: The Embrace of the Saw". 

Artistic Practice

I am a Colombian-Canadian artist working across the fields of textiles, performance and multimedia with a focus on collaboration and collectivity as a medium for creation. My work revolves around using lived experiences with displacement and transformation as pathways of pulling community together to create decolonial views of identity.

Past Projects

"3lix" an interactive public installation in which various forms of a body in motion were present: 

  1. an inflatable textile sculpture which moved with the wind. This figure had a pattern of qr codes on it the public could scan.
  2. a video performance of a dancer which the public saw when they scanned the codes. These videos were linked to a wind sensor which captured the movement of the wind at the site in real time. The faster the wind moved, the videos would be more altered.
  3. The audience which moved around the piece as the connecting link between the sculpture and the videos. 


I am inspired by bodies in constant movement and transformation such as immigrants, queer folks or Bipoc individuals. I am insipired by hybridity and the tranmutational nature of a border- wether its physical, geographical, mental or virtual. Also, the performativity of social behaviours and interactions. Finally, the capacities of certain material or digital technologies to expand and transform the body, and how transforming a body leads to transforming the spaces it inhabits. 
